One of the famous novels by Garth Nix comes to us in the form of this book which tells the true meaning of Abhorsen. It is someone who is basically acting as a wall between the two realms i.e life and death. Lirael wasn’t ready for all this because she didn’t know from the beginning that she would be given such a duty in her life. She was just a librarian but now she has to leave all of this behind and should join forces with Sam and Mogget who are waiting for her.
Before going from the library she remembers her past one more time which she is going to miss in the coming days. One thing is for sure i.e she would not be allowed to return to her old life now. She would be fighting with evil at every dawn awakening and will perish in the process sooner or later.

The only thing which she keeps in her pocket is the whistle which can be used to summon help at the time of need so she thinks that it will come in handy as well. An evil force has been unleashed in the world and its darkness will soon eat up everything in its path if it is not stopped in time.
In the middle, there is a great history linked to that darkness which is narrated by Tim Curry i.e the narrator of the novel. To Hold the Bridge and Sabriel have good stories but don’t prefer those books over this one. This is a much better story in terms of action and emotions. Also, the personality of the character evolves much better.