After Glow is the second chapter of the Ghost Hunters novel series. The suspenseful mystery thriller book is written by Jayne Castle. She is an American author of romance and contemporary romantic suspense novels and has given bestsellers as well. Sweetwater and the Witch is a prominent novel by Jayne Castle. Apart from this, Canyons of Night is another good one from the author. The audio narration of the After Glow novel is done by Joyce Bean. The narrator had a very captivating voice and made this novel sound great with its story and characters.
Life for Lydia Smith was quite complicated. She was working at the third-rate, tacky museum. The Shrimpton’s House of the Ancient Horrors was trying to retrieve her career in the para-archaeology and to date the most dangerous man within the town. Just when she thought that she might be getting things within her control, she then stumbled over a dead body and found that her lover had a secretive past that could get him killed. Just to top off everything, there was some great trouble that was brewing concealed in the eerie and glowing green pathways of the entire Dead City.

Of course, all of those problems were pale when compared that with the most pressing issue all the time – Lydia had been invited to the Restoration Ball and she hasn’t got anything to wear at all…
This is the follow-up chapter of the After Dark novel, the first chapter of the series. A lot of unanswered questions from the first novel will be answered here along with a few unfinished storylines. Some new ones will also be started here and you will like them.