Alien Commander’s Mate is a science fiction romance fantasy novel. It is the opening title in Fated Mates of the Xilan Warriors. It is written by Ava Ross. You will find the author writing romance, science fiction, and paranormal titles. One of her finest titles to enjoy is Malac. After that, you can also trust her Teran novel to entertain you to the maximum.
The narration of Alien Commander’s Mate is done by Felicity Munroe and Stephen Dexter. The listeners will enjoy this performance where both the narrators were spectacularly good. I was given an offer by an alien warrior which was too hard to refuse. In exchange for that, he could do what he wants to have with me for one complete week.

I wanted to have a child but that was next to impossible on the planet Earth then as the men there were sterile. A ping then came from a distant planet. Aliens for sure exist and they were interested in knowing women on Earth better.
The Xilans fell within a voracious urge once in every three years. It was called the Slaking. There weren’t enough women there to provide them with all that they need. Therefore, like many of the women on Earth, I signed up for that. For one whole week, I was supposed to make an alien happy and I would get a child in return. Things were supposed to go fine as long as I keep my heart completely clear of the equation, right? But then an intergalactic war erupted and we were supposed to fight there for our survival. This book will exceed the expectations of the listeners and will make them laugh out loud. This will be worth the purchase and you couldn’t wait to pick the next installment in the series, after finishing the subject title.