Another part of the “Outlander” series comes with more history of American soil. Diana Gabaldon along with this series has told the fans the true history of America’s creation. In the novel the author discusses about characters that were really there in the time of Revolutionary War. Thus the enriched history becomes more garnished with these real men taken from history books. Jamie Fraser is a part of this war too and this time he is not worried about just one thing rather there are two things which trouble his mind.
Having a wife from the future, Jamie knows who is going to win the war at the end because his wife has told him about it but she is uncertain once again of his survival at the end of all this. So Jamie’s fate is still remains undecided and for its revelation he and his wife have to wait till the end of the war. Then this Scottish warrior has another terror haunting his mind i.e his son has joined the British Army which means that he is on the enemy’s side now.

If war gets more serious in that case the father and son had to fight against one another which will tear the family apart forever. Davina Porter gets a chance to narrate another one of the series which has high tension building up in all the scenes. Outlander and Dragonfly in Amber were not talking about history in detail as there was more space for romance in it.
In this novel the author intentionally talks about the drama building up between different nations of the world.