In the fifteenth installment of the Kate Burkholder series, Linda Castillo continues to showcase her knack for blending the tense atmosphere of suspense with the intricate details of Amish life. The novel follows Kate Burkholder, Chief of Police in the small town of Painters Mill, Ohio, a community with a significant Amish population.
The story begins with a chilling discovery: the body of a young woman found in a snow-covered field. The shocking part? She’s Amish. As Kate and her team begin to unravel the mystery, they find that the victim had a past full of secrets, many of which trace back to the heart of the Amish community. The investigation becomes personal for Kate, who herself grew up Amish before leaving the community.
As she delves deeper, Kate faces resistance from the insular and tight-knit Amish community, which is reluctant to reveal its secrets and bring scandal upon itself. But as more secrets come to light, it becomes clear that there’s a sinister presence lurking in Painters Mill, one that doesn’t discriminate between the Amish and the English.
With time running out, Kate must confront her own Amish roots and rely on her intimate knowledge of the community’s customs and beliefs to stop a killer before they strike again.
Kathleen McInerney’s narration brilliantly encapsulates the emotional depth and tension present throughout the novel. Her clear, emotive voice provides distinct personalities to each character, enabling listeners to immerse themselves in the story. McInerney particularly shines in her portrayal of Kate, capturing her determination, empathy, and internal conflicts as she navigates the complexities of the case and her own relationship with her past.
An Evil Heart” is a riveting tale that once again underscores Linda Castillo’s expertise in crafting atmospheric mysteries set against the backdrop of Amish country. The intricate plot, combined with Kate’s personal journey, makes for a deeply engaging read. Kathleen McInerney’s narration adds an extra layer of authenticity and emotion, ensuring that listeners remain captivated until the very end. Listen to The Burning, Gone Missing and other books in the series to get into the depth of the journey.
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