Battle for the Abyss Audiobook
Battle for the Abyss is a fiction novel. It is chapter 8 of the series The Horus Heresy. The author of the novel is Ben Counter. Ben Counter is a wonderful author, belongs to England. He wrote two famous Horus Heresy novels, Battle for the Abyss and Galaxy in Flames. He wrote fantastic series, some of his series are The Grey Knights Omnibus, The Grey Knights Omnibus, Malodrax, The World Engine, and novella Arjac Rockfist: Anvil of Fenris. He also wrote a large number of short stories. If you want to listen or read, his best novels then do refer to his Galaxy in Flames novel.
The narrator of this novel is Gareth Armstrong. Gareth Armstrong is a good and talented narrator. He narrated this novel with a comfortable and clear voice. it seems that he is the best narrator with his brilliant performance. You can listen to this narrator in the audible of narrator Prospero Burns and Know No Fear novels.

This book is fantastic and receiving a large number of good reviews. It is a super novel like other novels of Ben Counter. In the novel some of the characters who is good, and I liked the most are Brynngar, Skraal, and Mhotep. I love this novel and its characters. They did a great job. The novel is successful to capture the listener towards the story. I will happy to recommend this novel because the story keeps you involve till the end. The delivery of dialogues is excellent by the narrator.
The Horus Heresy is an excellent series and this novel Battle for the Abyss is one of the best. Every book in the series related to the previous.