Darynda Jones keeps the audience on the toes on all occasions, in all the stories which the author has created. There is no rest for the characters at any spot which means that the listeners cannot relax either, they have to remain active all the time as long as the story does not reach its end. The series which had parts First Grave on the Right and Second Grave on the Left in it was famous because of this superb quality.
Now this individual tale with the fate of the witch which hangs in the balance is here in front of us. Dephne is a witch in her forties and she didn’t know that these years of her life would become so much sensational all of a sudden. There are three men in the neighbourhood who want different things from her. One of them is in love with her while the other is interested in her house more than her personality.

The third one wants to get rid of her permanently. There is also a new witch in the town who wants to eradicate Dephne as well. So the witch has some serious business to deal with and if she dies in the process then she will make sure that she dies like a hero.
Also, there is another goal which narrator Traci Odom narrates quite clearly and it is linked to the murder of Dephne’e grandmother. She has to know who killed her grandmother and surely she is not dying before taking revenge on the enemy. There is something about love too but the witch is quite busy thinking about all of that.