The story of lost love and support catches the eye of a common man all the time. Danielle Steel presents such stories for the sake of understanding that’s why there is always some kind of realistic figures in these stories. People who don’t have anything in their life are usually not sad as compared to those who lose something after having it for a while or so. This makes it a loss that pinches the heart all the time.
This happens with Ginny i.e a TV star who had more than she had ever dreamed of. She had all the luxuries including a loving husband who was also linked to the world of media. The two spent all day together and they were also blessed with plenty of time for their three year old child. One evening Ginny lost everything all of a sudden, including interest in her life. She thought that she would end up in smoke one day and all she has to do now is to wait for her death.

After one year of the incident, Ginny was roaming around in the same area when she saw Blue William for the first time. The boy was a teenager and it seemed that he too was helpless and without a family. Ginny wanted to get close to him but he showed no interest in the beginning. Then the relation transformed between these two individuals who were actually strangers to one another.
The Whittiers and The Duchess are full of love but this is not the love between two soul mates rather this is the family love that both the characters need for their survival. Alexander Cendese narrates how the two characters come close to each other and then Ginny smells betrayal which she wasn’t hoping for at all.