Bone Crossed Audiobook
If you are bored and want to enter the world of fantasy like never before than enter the world of Mercy Thompson and prepare your mind for shockers. We have witnessed Mercy’s life in the first three parts as she confronts the worst of both worlds instead of the best. She is like a link between the world of humans and the world where the rest of the creatures like vampires and werewolves live. As for herself she is a shape-shifter but she does not use her powers in the morning when she is working as a mechanic in a workshop.
At night she tries to know herself in a better way because several things about her past are still locked out there in the other side of the city where the dark forces live. Patricia Briggs has kept the character of Mercy Thompson a little spooky all the time. Her mysterious past seldom comes on the screen and there is always a new side of her which amazes ever listener. [Bone Crossed Audiobook]

Loreleo King narrates well but the narrator had some trouble with the sounds of the werewolves. Wild Sign had more romance and then Moon Called the first part of the series mixed romance with fantasy superbly. Here Mercy is not too much involved in romantic affairs because she is in a deep trouble which is far bigger than any other thing she has faced in the past life. Her life is on stake and so is the fate of the rest of the world which she holds dear to her heart. [Bone Crossed Audiobook]
One decisive move can save or destroy everything in this novel.