Capturing Cara is a paranormal romance fantasy book. It is the second entry in the Dragon Lords of Valdier novel series. The book is written by S. E. Smith. She is a promising author who managed to make a decent fanbase for herself in a quick time with her exciting writing. You will find her books filled with action and adventure along with three-dimensional worlds and rich relationships. Colors of the Soul is a good example of her books. Moreover, Wynter and the Stone Dragon is another exciting book that S. E. Smith has written.
The audio narration of Capturing Cara is beautifully done by David Brenin and you will enjoy every bit of this performance. Cara Truman was more of a pint-size pistol. Her inquisitive was something that got her into deep trouble on more than one occasion. Her very next adventure took her further deep than she even expected. All of that happened when she ended up on a journey that was out of this world.

Trelon Reykill then comes to the scene and thought that he has his hands full. Zoran, his brother was captured by a militant group of Curizans. He was quite busy fortifying the defenses of Valdire against the Sarafin warriors. Moreover, his dragon was roaring for him to very soon find a mate. The very last thing that he expected to find on that embryonic planet that his brother has taken refuge on was his true mate…
Capturing Cara has an action-filled plot. It comes with some great banter and steamy sex scenes as well. The characters were strongly written and made this story so much happen.