Most often when a person completes a job excellently then he gets rewarded through money or some off days so that he can enjoy a leisure time. In the strange state of Elantra, it is not the case at all. If someone accomplishes a task which is given to him or her then instead of praise or a pay raise he is given another task tougher than the previous one. The authorities just keep you engaged in such things and you never have the time to enjoy the pleasures of life.
Kaylin Neya performed excellently in her previous mission and now she is called to Barrani High Court. The place is known for its deadliness because no mercy is shown towards those who fail to get the job done. Even a wrong word can result in a death sentence in this place with strict rules. Kaylin is called because the High Lord’s only heir is seriously ill and the illness can only be removed by the magic which Kaylin possesses.

The task looks simple at the start and later the author Michelle Sagara knits more tricky webs for Kaylin. Someone in the court wants to stop her from reaching the young heir and for this purpose deadly traps are laid for her in the court.
Cast in Conflict and Cast in Shadow had deadlier missions than this but this one is tricky as compared to those as the enemy is not clear. Khristine Hvam’s voice is renowned for its classic touch and an extra effort is seen here by the narrator which is a plus point in this book.