Going to the national chemistry meeting was the aim of Joe when he left home in San Francisco and took a flight to Chicago. A moment later he found himself in a totally different environment and in the middle of the people whom he could not recognize. One thing was clear i.e he was not on earth anymore but the people look similar to the people of the earth. His plane got destroyed in an accident and that accident brought him to the parallel world which is same as the earth.
Name of the planet is Anyar and here people have a strange accent which Joe had to adopt fast in order to survive. There was also another thing which he had to keep in mind i.e don’t look too smart in front of the local people because they consider such smart guys as demons. The knowledge which Joe has about chemistry is too strange for the people of this new planet to handle.

So he decides to keep silent in different matters which are difficult to explain to these new guys. Moreover soon he learns that the planet is under attack by foreign invaders and there is a serious threat to its safety. Joe decides to fight this evil that is trying to plague the land because he develops an attraction for the natives and also he himself has no place else to go.
An Ancient Enemy and The Pen and the Sword were bigger in horizon and this novel is limited to a fixed place. Also Olan Thorensen stresses more on the multidimensional stuff instead of adding new worlds in the war. Jonathan Davis with an experience style narrates the story which has a dramatic ending.