Danielle Steel first describes that how a sudden loss can shock an individual, especially a woman. The author is quite skilled in narrating the life of lonely women as she has done before in Fall from Grace and Without a Trace. This time the author not only gives shocks the main character but also provides relief to the character after that sad time. Stephanie Adams wasn’t living the happiest moments of her life with her husband because he had no interest in her.
The marriage was coming to an end slowly but Stephanie had decided to continue with it for the sake of her children. She didn’t want her children to bear the burden of a broken marriage so she was continuing with it. Then one day she was given the news that her fifty years old husband had died all of a sudden.

It was a grieved moment for the family and at the same time, it was an opportunity for Stephanie to live her life in a free way after all these years of disappointment. The dead marriage finally came to an end and Stephanie started roaming freely in the countryside. At this time she met Chase Taylor who happens to be a big music star.
Chase opened new doors for the lonely woman and she finally thinks that she can live the life that she had always dreamed of. It was luck that brought her to Chase Taylor and she is given a second chance in life which will make her forget the pinching past that she has faced. Dan John Miller i.e the narrator of the novel has ended the novel in a hopeful tone and this is a nice message for all of us as well.