This memoir is composed by James Patterson and recounted by Andre Blake. Ali Cross and The People vs. Alex Cross are stunning narrations of Andre Blake. The writer continued to energize the ideal, flawless, wonderful family characterization which did just interfere with the tale, which is perfect anyhow. James Patterson is perhaps, the most productive contemporary American author and worked on YA books to secrets and surprising sentiment. Once more this was an incredible book that can hardly sit tight for the next Cross book or another James Patterson series.
An executioner with the abilities of an expert criminal investigator has made Alex Cross the subject of his mess-up examination. In a Virginia prison, Alex Cross and his accomplice ‘John Sampson’ witnessed the execution of an exceptional they helped convict. Hours after the fact, they were called to the location of a copycat crime.

Alex before long acknowledged that he might have a lot to deal with, as the investigator out of the funding to the locales of numerous crimes, all set apart with distressingly natural subtleties that invoke many years-old cases. Subtleties that evoke Cross’s special kinds of mystery. Subtleties that clarify that the investigator is after an award.
James Patterson is perhaps the most productive contemporary American writer working today from youngsters’ and YA books to thrill rides, secrets, and surprising sentiments. It’s difficult to stay aware of such countless hits. Andre Blake’s presentation was irritating to such an extent that it reduced the general insight of the book. The manner of speaking he utilized felt like he was yelling on occasion and at different times patronizing the follower.