Dungeon Desolation is the 4th chapter in Divine Dungeon Series. It is a science fiction and fantasy novel that is written by Dakota Krout. The Divine Dungeon Series is his bestselling one with amazing followership. He was also among the top picks in 2017 on Audible and among the top 10 bestsellers on Audible platform as well. On Amazon, he is in the top 15 list of bestsellers. Therefore, we have enough reasoning to entrust Dakota Krout as our next go-to writer. If you are thinking the same then you can also consider his best novels that arguably are Ruthless and Something.
Vikas Adam got the opportunity for narrating this novel. It was a top notch performance and you will hardly notice any flaw in the performance.
The Necromantic armies are there and bang on the path of war. Nobody is in the safe zone now. A full fledge war has started. There is also some serious threatening for the sanctuary of the flying dungeon. The leadership of the sentient races has been eliminated and there is chaos everywhere. Those suitable for repelling the darkness coming have an intact realm.
Cal was quick to find out that the real threat is not the war. It is actually the actions of the people who are supposed to protect the population.
People were thinking that the ending of the chapter three could possibly be the best ending for the series. However, this fourth novel came in which was good but not as good as the first three chapters of the series. The plot points were not as well developed and clear destination was somehow missing as well.