Lift had only one wish in her mind i.e not to grow old ever. She wanted to be young throughout her life because aging was something which she disliked since her childhood. Then finally she got the chance to present her request in front of a goddess who quite surprisingly granted her the wish. Astonished by what had happened to her in a single moment, Lift came back to her normal life and noticed that year after year she was not growing in age at all.
But not aging was actually one part of the wish; she wanted to live a free life too which she never told the goddess. Now as a teenager she is with the emperor and is forced to follow all the commands of the emperor. Over the years she has tried to run away from her duties but she has not succeeded at all. Free will is not granted to her by the king and she is still searching for a corridor through which she could escape.

Darkness is also waiting for her in the outside world and there is a threat that if she escapes that dark power will just eat her up. Yeddaw is the place where the Darkness is present and it is bringing hell to the natives.
Brandon Sanderson gives Lift courage just like he did with the main characters in Words of Radiance and The Way of Kings. Lift finally gets ready to face the evil which has been scarring her all her life. Her character gets the ignition in voice by Kate Reading’s narration too and this enhances the impact of the story.