Brandon Sanderson is an accomplished American writer of science fiction fantasies. He has created some really thoughtful and original science fiction universe in his novels that makes him a popular selection in the league. His best and the most loved novels are Rhythm of War and The Final Empire.
The narration of Elantris is done by Jack Garrett. Jack is good except the fact that he kept same voice for one of the prime characters Serene and a few others. It might be something that you couldn’t notice even, but, it may get to you and then it would be hard to differentiate characters.
The locals of the Elantris are the ones who are imprisoned within themselves. They were once regarded as the godlike rulers who were operating all over the capital of Arelon. In the current scenario, they are not even in a position to even. This was the case when the magic of the city failed a good number of years ago. But, things changed after some time. It was when a new price became the latest victim of the curse. But, the new thing now is that the prince refused to accept the fate. There will be confrontation and resilience and that’s what makes this novel so interesting.
Elantris is good but might not be among the finest novels from Sanderson. The novel has some really flat characters with quite a bit of fantasy tropes as well. The unrealistic dialog further add to the misery. If you are a fan of Brandon Sanderson then you might be picking this novel with high hopes. But, make sure that you don’t expect too much out of it.