Ella and the Beast is a paranormal romance fantasy novel. It is the first book in the More Than Human novel series. The book is written by S. E. Smith. You will find her writing romance novels with rich relationships, action, adventure, fantasy, mystery, etc. Twin Dragon is a very good example of a book by S. E. Smith and so is Wynter and the Stone Dragon. The audio narration of Ella and the Beast novel is done by David Brenin. You will love David as the narrator of this book and his voice was truly magical and suitable for the characters.
Ella was the last of a near-to-extinction breed of humans. Those were the ones who live hidden deep within the forest areas of Washington State. All of her life, she heard plenty of horror stories about the Others. Those were the beasts that lived well beyond the safety and protection of the mountains. Humans and Others in ancient times lived in peace together. But then a great battle happened which divided them. On the other side, the shape-shifting kind won the war.

Ty was a grizzly shifter. He was also a curator at WSASROC -A Washington State Animal Sanctuary, Research, and Observation Center. A call from a rancher regarding an unusual animal causing serious havoc brought him to Olympic Mountain Park. Ty was quite furious to find out that the rancher had set up a trap to capture the creature on the property of the government. But his shock soon turned to horror when he found that wounded ‘animal’.
Ty found a lot more than what he expected when a human, who was thought to be extinct, turned up in the trap… Could it be possible for Ty to keep Ella alive and safe?