Family of Lies: Sebastian is a romance fantasy novel. It is written by Sam Argent. She is a top-rated romance and fantasy author. She is also into speculative fiction writing and has provided many good novels for the entertainment of book lovers. From her literary archives, The Princess Trap: An Interracial Romance novel will come up as her best. Other than this, Den of Vipers will be another good book for you to read.
The narration of the subject novel is done by Cornell Collins. It was an enjoyable performance even when his mature voice sounded a bit older for the 19 years old character of Sebastian.

Sebastian did that one thing which any smart wizard would attempt to do while stumbling upon the Crown Prince who was wounded. Sebastian healed and dumped him in a tavern where the Crown Prince could continue while not being his problem at all. Unfortunately, the prince was not content at all with him being alive. He searched for Sebastian to extend his thanks to him. In this situation, it is not only Sebastian who is stuck with the unwanted affections of the prince but he is also confronted by the evidence. The evidence linked the murder attempt to someone who was from the past life of his father.
Lord Orwell is remembered for several things. He is a liar, drunk, thief, and a horrible father. But, Sebastian is fully aware that he is not a murderer at all. The book is love and fun with a lot of quirky characters for you to enjoy. The performance was good for what it is and nothing could be taken away from your enjoyment with this audiobook.