Audrey was living a normal life when the war started in 1941. Like every other girl, she had a few dreams which she wanted to fulfill at any rate. Her brother was in the army just like her father. Audrey herself was in nursing at that time and she thought that it would be a very good opportunity to serve the nation at this point in time.
Audrey joined the army as a flight nurse along with her friend Lizzie. Together the two decided to serve the wounded up to the maximum level. Going to the enemy territory became a part of their daily routine after that and they started risking their life almost every day. They liked helping others and this was something that made them work without any thought of money or fame.

The other soldiers who were working along with them were provided with huge salaries and also they were praised for their services too. On the other hand, these nurses were not that much praised but they didn’t give up the good work because they weren’t doing it for the sake of fame rather they were doing it for their nation and also for humanity that was in their hearts.
Danielle Steel hasn’t molded the story in different directions because it was already perfect by all means. For Dan John Miller the narration was also made easy by the author because Steel had not left any weak link in the story. Fall from Grace and Without a Trace was not linked to history to such an extent while this is portraying certain historical events at every level. The role of nurses during the war has also been highlighted all the way.