Gideon is a paranormal romance fantasy novel. It is the second book in the Nightwalkers novel series. The book is written by Jacquelyn Frank. She is a talented author of paranormal romance novels. Rapture is the best novel of the author to date which was ranked in 8th position in The New York Times. Jacob and Noah are the other two novels by the author that will surely fascinate you a lot.
The audio narration of Gideon is done by Xe Sands. The quality of narration is all that will pull you deep into this book, and even in the series for that matter. As a healer, he knew quite well about her body. But it was her heart that he wanted to have. Gideon for a thousand years had healed his people. In the capacity of the old surviving male member of his race, his wisdom was respected without any question always. But Gideon on the other side also knew that even he was vulnerable to the primitive, powerful desires that befall his kind during the Hallowed moons.

That truth some nine years ago was hammered home when he found himself claiming the Demon King’s sister, Magdalena, in a wild embrace. He was quite horrified by his lack of control. He left her furious and wanting more. Subsequently, he then exiled himself for a good part of a decade. Having the necromancers then threatening his people, and Magdalena nearly becoming a victim, Gideon must face another truth. He and Magdalena were destined to be together and for sharing love. But he had to regain her trust first and then save her life.
Jacquelyn Frank is a brilliant author of romance and she proved her worth once again with Gideon.