Convent of Sweet Mercy is a home for helpless girls where they live and learn the ways of the great pious men. That has been continuing for centuries but the reality is that it is just a smokescreen. Apart from the religious things the girls who are present in the convent also get the training related to the secrets of the universe.
Here they are trained to perfection and when the training is complete they are given two different options for their future life. Novice Nona Grey is one of the members of the convent and she has been quite eager to learn everything that the convent can offer. Now her training is complete and she has come to the place where she has to choose whether she would like to devote her life to the religious services or will work against the rogue gangs.

Choosing is not a hard thing for Nona but the problem is that she does not like either path. Author Mark Lawrence does not tell a lot about Nona at the start of this novel but the listeners know one thing i.e she is different than the rest. There is something in her which Heather O’Neil also depicts through narration as well.
If a person has any idea of Prince of Thorns and Red Sister then he already knows what is coming in the later chapters. Nona starts moving on her self-created path which goes against the society that has trained her. Increasing the number of enemies for herself is not something that has bothered Nona before and she is prepared to face everything.