Hard Wood is a romantic comedy novel. It is the sixth chapter in the Big Rock novel series which is written by Lauren Blakely. A good number of novels of the author have appeared on bestselling platforms in the USA, including NYT and WSJ, etc. you must take some time out to try The RSVP as it promises to entertain you a lot. Another book by the author that did well is My So-Called Sex Life.
The audio narration of Hard Wood is done by Sebastian York. He was great as usual with his performance. Women are quite often heard saying that a good man is hard to find, and a hard man maybe is even better.
That was why I was quite a catch for a hard, good, loaded, and just wait for it. I was all set to settle down as well. But then the woman to whom I wanted to pitch my tent with the lives cleared all across the country. Neither of us ever wanted to get completely lost in the woods. All I have to do was to resist her for the week she was in town.

I tried hard but that doesn’t work out at all. After having one exciting night with my dear friend Mia, I was all set to give her years of night beneath the stars. How do a few thousand miles matter when love is involved? But there was also a hitch in my plans. She hired the services of my adventure tour company. And my main rule of business was: Never screw your customers.
You will have a great time with the characters of Mia and Patrick, which were not only beautifully written but excellently portrayed as well in audio.