Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince audiobook
Come to the magical world of Hogwarts and witness as another chapter of the series unfolds. This is the beginning of the end as the principal who has been keeping an eye on the safety of the school is going down because of the curse. There is nothing that anyone can do about it as the curse has achieved the next level. New development can be seen as everyone finally knows how Voldemort has been able to live for so long and how he can be erased from the world. [Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince audiobook]

Harry also finds a mysterious book in this episode with the name Half Blood Prince written on it. The book makes his daily chores in class a lot easier. J.K Rowling shows how Harry starts trusting the amendments that were being done to the book by its owner. In the end, Harry finally comes to know who is the owner of the book and he really feels sad at the death of his beloved principal. [Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince audiobook]
Jim Dale has narrated Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, book 05, and Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Book 07 too so the vast experience of the narrator has come into play here quite nicely. The final test for the young hero is approaching so don’t forget to listen to the conclusion.