Joseph Colsco was very happy with his life and he had the dreams of an ordinary human being i.e a good job and a small family to spend life with. Never in his life had he thought about action or fight because these are not the ways to live a pleasant and placid life. Life of this poor guy chances in a second when he gets transported to another world with humans on it.
The first thing which troubled him was the fact that he found himself naked in this new world. Later the change of name from Joseph to Yozef was the next thing with which he had to adjust. The people of this new world were humans but their customs were totally different and some of those customs were bizarre. Yozef understood the word bizarre when he got married to a child.

Thus in quick succession the author Olan Thorensen tells us about the dreams of Yozef and then he breaks those dreams one by one. Caedelli i.e the place where the man landed accidentally was facing a threat of foreign invasion and the people thought that Yozef was the chosen one who was brought to them by fate.
Becoming a hero for the people of this new world was the first thing that the man enjoyed in this new world. But surviving afterwards became a problem for the one who is hailed as a hero. Cast Under an Alien Sun and An Ancient Enemy also narrated by Jonathan Davis should be given time before this book. If you are interested in this series then keep the details in your mind and follow the order of the books.