It is the story of a young girl who belonged to the upper class in Hollywood. People thought that she was surely a star in the making because she was being trained by the family which knew everything about the world of showbiz.
The girl, however, wasn’t sure about all of this stuff at an early age and during her early childhood, she used to love to hide and seek more than anything else in her life. Then while she was playing hide and seek in her house she got abducted and no clue was left behind.

The girl was a true fighter at the core so she was able to run away from the one who kidnapped her. Dillon Cooper and his family found the girl all covered in blood. The family took her in and when they found out who she was, they at once contacted her family.
So the girl was saved and she was returned to her family safe and sound. The case didn’t end there because the police had to catch the criminals too. Someone very close to the family was arrested because he was behind the entire plan. Later Caitlyn was sent somewhere far so that she can live her life safely. Years later when Caitlyn returns to her hometown she wasn’t aware that her enemies were still waiting for her. January LaVov has been the narrator for many books written by Nora Roberts that’s why he is excellent at the climax. Year One and The Choice are also known for their climax and this is one portion of the story on which Nora puts all the stress all the time.