Homeland is a fantasy novel written by R. A. Salvatore. It is the first book of Legend of Drizzt: Dark Elf Trilogy. It is based around the life of Drizzt from his birth up to his upbringing among the dark elves. Make sure to check out The Crystal Shard and The Companions from the American author.
The narration of this book has been handled by Victor Bevine. It’s fair to say that he has done an excellent job. He doesn’t impede the words of the author. He helps in bringing the characters to life. Plunge into the world of Drizzt and the city of Menzoberranzan. Follow Drizzt on his mission to stick to his rules and principles in a cruel society. Follow him as he undertakes this battle against the competitive society where such feelings are threatened. [homeland Audiobook]

This dark elf that goes by the name of Drizzt was born to Menzoberranzan’s tenth noble house. Ironically, as drow culture demands, Drizzt was to be sacrificed to Lolth the goddess. This was because he was the third son in the family. He is only spared by chance, as his older brother dies. The first son is killed at the hands of the treacherous second son. This also raises their tenth-ranked house to the ninth spot. [homeland Audiobook]
Drizzt suffered immense humiliation and abuse at the hands of his eldest sister Briza. This is the norm as he lives in a matriarchal society. As a child, he displayed immense coordination and reflexes. At the age of sixteen, Drizzt is trained to become a warrior instead of a house wizard by the request of Zaknafein. Thus, starts his development that will take him in this tale through twists and turns. With time, he must overcome them somehow.