Horus Rising Audiobook
For centuries the Imperium of Man has flourished because no one has been able to defeat the mighty emperor who is considered to be immortal. The emperor maintained balance in this huge piece of land with an iron fist. Though the kingdom has flourished the rivalries and betrayals have been dealt with severity. The emperor has never left the enemies to dictate terms on the battlefield. After a long time, people think that the emperor is not interested in the active fight anymore rather he wants someone to take charge so that he can live peacefully for a while.
The decision was quite important because whoever the king would select will easily go on to be crowned as the next emperor of this big empire. The choice was simple i.e the king selected his beloved son Horus as the new Warmaster without a second thought in mind. Horus was a superb fighter and he was also quite obedient to his father. [Horus Rising Audiobook]

The choice was excellent but the king and Horus never expected that the danger will pounce on them from the inside. Horus’ brothers become jealous of his new position and they think that they have been ignored by the king or that perhaps their birthright has been snatched from them in a split second.
So they turn against Horus and this starts an epic battle that involves royal bloodshed. Dan Abnett will surprise the fans more in Titanicus and First and Only because the author has a lot in stock in these other two books as well. [Horus Rising Audiobook]
Toby Longworth has started the narration of this first book of the series very well. The initial drama is handled well by the narrator and most fans expect to listen to the same voice in the future.