House Atreides has been in a lot of trouble for a long time, now they have chosen Shaddam as their new king. Surely it was Shaddam who happens to be the true heir to the Golden Lion Throne. After becoming the king, Shaddam started to strengthen his rule and also made the House stronger than ever before. It was surely not a good sign for the enemies especially for Baron Vladimir Harkonnen who wanted to end the rule of the opponents.
So Vladimir starts conspiring against the House Atreides and the first thing he needs is to put an end to the rule of the new emperor. Bene is another ruler who appears later and then turns into the basic ingredient in this tale. During the climax a do or die situation appears for the House of Arteides and they have no way to go back. Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert don’t make the audience guess the story rather they tell everything in detail without any kind of hidden aspects buried somewhere in the story.

Dune and Foundation (Apple Series Tie-in Edition) also doesn’t waste time in too much guessing rather the authors come to the main point on their own. It is a good thing because on most occasions the listeners get bored when they listen to too many complex stories and then are left to solve the mysteries on their own.
Scott Brick is one of those narrators who has narrated fantasy and fiction stories in great numbers. So no error can be detected in the narration anywhere and in any character. This is the second part of the trilogy thus it is the most crucial one in the series.
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