Hunter’s Claim is a fantasy romance novel. It is the first book in The Alliance novel series. The book is authored by S. E. Smith. She is a bestselling and internationally acclaimed romance author from the USA. Apart form romance, she has also written books on science fiction and paranormal fantasy. You must also try out her writing in Colours of the Soul and you will not be disappointed. On top of that, Wynter and the Stone Dragon is another exceptional novel by S. E. Smith.
David Brenin has done the narration of Hunter’s Claim novel. He did an awesome job narrating this story and you will have great fun with this incredible performance.

Jesse Sampson along with her two sisters lived quite a hard life. That life they had in Seattle, Washington for the past several years. Earth four years before received its very first group of visitors from space, and that led to mass fear. Jess was all alone in a world gone mad with only her sisters. She had learned to maximize the darkness and also the remains of the city to survive. It was also for keeping what was left of her family alive. She had well seen the savage side of human nature and discovered they were not much different from the aliens who conquered Earth.
The Trivators took full control of the Earth to prevent the humans from destroying it further deep in their fear. They were sent out by the Alliance of Star Systems for seeking out new worlds. Their mission was first contact. They were supposed to establish communication with the different prominent leaders of the new worlds that the found and to bring them into the Alliance. Any resistance was to be subdued in a quick time. This was critical to prevent unnecessary death of the inhabitants of the new worlds that they discovered. Their payment came from the full success of their mission.