Robert Jordan continues with the trend of adding too much stories and characters in the beginning of the novel after which he mixes everything like a curry. Rand Al’ Thor the legendary Dragon Reborn now has something to call his own as he holds a throne of his own which is bad news for his enemies. For Morgase life has never been easy at all, the character is one of those who remain under the cloud all the time in the novel. Although some support in the form of allies are provided to Morgase but the allies are not more than a pain. Between all of this there is the Lord of the Two Rivers who is attracted towards another goal which he had in mind for the past many years. But the Wheel of Time waits for none and whenever it turns the change in the world is seen.

The Eye of the World and The Dragon Reborn also turned the tides for many and many new heroes emerged in those books along with the downfall of many others. Kate Reading and Michael Kramer keeps on the heat in narration as the two always do in this series. No other narrator could have done better than these two in narration because Kate and Michael makes the characters appear as real in all regards. Another age will soon be winding up now and after that new age will take its place after eradicating every sign of the previous one. Fights, mysteries and magic decorate each chapter separately and all the chapters lead the characters to the same path in the end.