Mean Streak Audiobook
Storytelling is going to an entirely different level here, Sandra Brown is not only coming up with a new story she is also going to provide a scary feeling. Providing a variety of feelings that can touch the heart has remained the most important objective of the author.
She wants her audience to feel the same thing that her characters are feeling because in this way we gather on the same page and can enjoy the experience on an equal level. Dr. Emory happens to be a pediatrician and she has played her role well in life but on this occasion, her arguments with her husband just cross the line.

She was out in the cold when she got abducted and there was no one to tell the tale. Her husband was angry so he didn’t go to the police but after a while, he thought that going to the police was the right idea. He told the police about everything and the police tried to start the investigation but the stormy condition just stopped everything. Meanwhile, Jonathan Davis starts narrating the character of Emory who finds herself at the mercy of her abductor.
At first, she thinks that she is with a strange and dangerous man but later she understands that her abductor has actually saved her from being killed. The deception of her husband is also brought to light and she is left with no other option except to trust the man who has abducted her but didn’t harm her when he had the chance. The maker of Overkill and Seeing Red is another suspense story in which the primary character and the apparent villain join hands to bring justice to the story.