Chicago had a lot of demon attacks in the past and yet no harm came to the citizens because they have Merit for their security. Merit is a skilled vampire warrior and also the beloved girlfriend of the Master vampire Ethan. Together they have formed an excellent team that has saved the city many times from grave circumstances. Enemies which they have faced in the past were all deadly but nothing as compared to the one they have to face in this episode.
None of the villains in Shadowed Steel and Twice Bitten were as deadly as this one which is presented by Chloe Neill here. Ethan has brought some help for Merit in the form of the vampires which he had under his command but nothing would be sufficient when the devil will appear in full force this time. The enemy has had enough and he wants to return the favor in the same way.

The devil is not coming alone rather he has an army of blood-sucking creatures with him. The story starts with the threats of war and in the middle, the war starts and continues till the end of the book. There is no stopping once the story is set in motion and the listener will not be allowed to rest till the last line gets narrated by Sophie Eastlake.
Blood-sucking creatures are more in number as compared to ordinary humans in this book because the author wanted to keep the story in that fictional world. War is won by the heroes in the end apparently but from the inside, they also lose a lot which can only be felt.