Moon Called
Come and see the life of Mercy Thompson who has been dealing with the oddest of people in her life. Finding normal and average people is not difficult for all of us but for Mercy, it has been the most difficult thing in her life. Every now and then she finds creatures that should have existed in the fantasy books only but for Mercy, these creatures do exist in the real life.
Every day when she opens the door she finds her next door neighbor who is quite gentle to her but the problem is that he turns into a werewolf at night. This is a terrorizing thing for the one who I looking for some peace in life. Perhaps at this stage, the young girl thinks that the average life would be the perfect life that she had been looking for.

Patricia Briggs has written everything in a comic mood during the beginning chapters. We see how mercy repairs a bus for a vampire and her boss happens to be a gremlin. At first, the listener thinks that the girl is in the wrong place because she looks quite human and she is not a part of that society. Later we realize that she is part of that society because she is not a human herself.
She has powers as she happens to be the Moon Child everyone talks about so much. Briggs’ books have every scary element in them but they are not with vampires that are after your blood all the time, we have felt this thing previously when we listened to Night Broken and Silence Fallen. The author does not want to scare the audience rather he wants to take us on a ride to the world that he has created and that world is narrated by Lorelei King mostly.