Natural Mage is a paranormal romance novel. It is the fifth book in the Demon Days, Vampire Nights novel series. The book is written by K. F. Breene. She is a quality author of supernatural fantasy, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance novels. You will find Breene at her best in the Magical Midlife Challenge novel. Another book of the author to try out is Magical Midlife Alliance.
The audio narration of the Natural Mage novel is done by Nicole Poole. You will be truly amazed at her voice-acting skills and how she maximized those in the Natural Mage novel.

After managing to survive narrowly in my debut in the vast magical world, I made a strong performance myself. It was about having no more hiding at all in the broom closets. But having the Mages’ Guild reorganizing faster than anyone imagined possible, and naming me as their top target, that promise looked to be a bit far-fetched. Since the start of my training with Dizzy and Callie, the highly experienced dual-mage pair went off just like a cake in a cannon. Left to find someone who could fill the role, but that wasn’t the case until a dinner party goes wrong. And I found the best and maybe the worst possible solution. It was for Reagan Somerset, the crazy woman who busted into my broom closet sanctuary. Soon I got to learn about my true potential through an off-kilter teaching style along with many punches in the face.
The story of Natural Mage is extremely hilarious and fully entertaining. You will be pleased to experience that the characters from Fire and Ice trilogy also made a considerable appearance in this book.