Kevin Free and Elizabeth Evans start narrating the series from this first part which is created by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. Like November 9 the two lovers get separated because of fate but they are not of the type who never expressed their love in front of the other. The two lovers in this first part were together since their childhood and they fell in love when they became teenagers or perhaps the love was there from the beginning.
They realized the developing love when they became teenagers and after that, they weren’t ready to think that they could walk separate ways later on. It was the power of love that mesmerized the two lovers and they were ready to forget or sacrifice every other thing in their life. It Ends with Us kind of circumstances appear when something strange happens between the two lovers of this novel.

The girl just wants to get away from the mess as she tries to forget the love bond which she once created with the boy of her choice. The boy on the other hand does not want the same thing because he loves the girl who stole his heart at a very early age. This difference creates a distance between the couple and after all these years they start thinking that they have made a serious mistake in selecting each other.
This is not a novel for children rather the entire series is serious adult material that should not be given to the hands of little kids. Kids or those who are not mature enough would never be able to understand the confusions which develop between the two primary characters of the story.