People thought that those who listened to the first part of the series will be compelled to this second part at once because the first part was so wonderfully written. Well, the perception was correct without any doubt and this one is even better which encourages us to get to Never Never: Part Three in a flash. This once again tells Charlie and Silas’ issues which we started listening to in the first part.
Tarryn Fisher and Colleen Hoover started the story when the two leading characters awake in the middle of the class and they didn’t remember anything about their past or information related to their parents. They tried hard to investigate but initially, they found nothing.

So they decided that they will stick together and try to keep the memories of each other in their mind as the one thing that they will not ignore. In this second part of the series Kevin Free and Elizabeth Evans narrates how Charlie and Silas get into more trouble. Charlie is in serious trouble and no one can save her except the one who has promised never to forget and to never stop trying.
At first, the two needed each other and now the two are in love with each other which means that they are going to solve all of their problems together. This is more emotional than Thief and sooner or later we are going to find out that the problem is of an epic magnitude which is surrounding Charlie and Silas from the beginning. Good thing is that they are not afraid and the dangerous thing is that their enemies have successfully surrounded them from all sides.