Nice Girls Don’t Live Forever is a paranormal romance book. It is the third book in the Half-Moon Hollow novel series. The book is written by Molly Harper. She is an American author. You will be mostly finding her books to be on paranormal romance and general romance fiction genres. She did an amazing job with the writing of her Nice Girls Don’t Bite Their Neighbors. The same was the case with her Fangs for the Memories.
Amanda Ronconi did the narration of Nice Girls Don’t Live Forever. It was a solid narration given by Amanda which will enhance your experience with this audiobook.

Nothing could pull the romance out of world travel just like a boyfriend who could have broken up in a hotel room with you in Brussels. Gabriel, the sexy sire of Jane Jameson has been quite unpredictable always. But then the seductive anonymous notes that await him at each stop of their vacation pushed Jane to take the next flight back home. That was a flight destined for Half Moon Hollow and she was all alone, upset, and unsure about Gabriel. She felt that Gabriel ended their relationship but didn’t even bother to tell her.
The librarian turned vamp then was riveting with lots of Faux Type O. Some of the TLC was from her colorful family and friends. She planned to have a Brave New Jane. This was something that could well be achieved step-by-step and in a systematic way…
Harper and Ronconi as the author and narrator of this book respectively make a great pair. They must collaborate even more to offer romance lovers such amazing books in audio.