Norse Mythology Audiobook
Norse Mythology fiction novel. It is written by Neil Gaiman. He is a good name in writing science fiction and fantasy novels mainly. If you want to try more books from the author then his Coraline novel can be a good place to start. After that, you will enjoy his writing in The Sandman: Act II novel as well. The narration of Norse Mythology is also done by Neil Gaiman himself. He did a good job just as he has been doing with the narration of the majority of books that he has written.
Neil Gaiman drew extreme inspiration from ancient mythology in producing fantastical realms for his different fictional stories. This time, he turned his attention once again back to the source. He presented a bravura rendition of his many great northern stories. In this book, the author came with primeval stories into a fantastic, novelistic kind of arc that started with the genesis of the legendary nine worlds. It delved way deep into the exploits of different giants, dwarves, and deities. Furthermore, it culminated in the Ragnarok, which was the twilight of the gods and as well as the rebirth of a completely new time and new people. [Norse Mythology Audiobook]

The author in this title stayed true to the different myths doing a great job of reincarnating Odin vividly. Odin was believed to be the highest of his, daring, wise, and cunning. Thor was the son of Odin who was quite strong but still not the wisest among the gods. Loki was the son of a giant who was an unsurpassable manipulator and trickster. [Norse Mythology Audiobook]
Norse Mythology is a great book and you will find it full of wonderful stories. This is recommended to all those who are even remotely interested in knowing about Norse Mythology.