Quade Danas, burdened by an enduring loyalty to his deceased best friend, finds himself the guardian of the vulnerable and shattered Roman Howell, the son of his late comrade. Roman, a tender-hearted young man, is not only scarred by the devastating fire that claimed his parents but also bears the heavy inheritance of being a Lavender Shifter, the rarest of the paranormal beings. Their lives interlace with a tender connection, as Quade is driven by an ancient sense of duty, and Roman is drawn to the strength and security that Quade emanates.
Alongside them in the tapestry of this novel, enter the spirited cast of characters. There’s Rand, Quade’s fiercely loyal second-in-command with a heart as vast as his physique; Terrence, Roman’s brilliantly sardonic best friend, whose wit is only surpassed by his loyalty; Arman, Quade’s enigmatic brother, who entwines their fates with the threads of the past and clandestine knowledge. These characters, with their dynamic personalities, are essential fibers in the weave, for they bring with them not just supporting roles but the depths that make Quade and Roman’s world tantalizingly three-dimensional.

As the tale threads through the enigmatic woods and Roman’s heritage surfaces, loyalty and love intermingle to form an ancient bond rekindled. Quade, whose soul is as tormented as the dark woods, finds his purpose in protecting Roman. But with the love that blossoms between them, also comes the perils that shadow the paranormal. They have to defend not just against the external foes seeking to exploit Roman’s powers, but also the internal clash of an old warrior’s loyalty and a young heir’s impassioned love.
For those who become enamored with Mary Calmes’ magical blend of paranormal romance and enthralling action, might we suggest delving into her Woods of the Raven and Tied up in Knots. As you will listen to more and more of these wonderful books, you are going to enjoy entering into a different domain.