Perdido Street Station is a science fiction novel. It is chapter 1 of the series New Crobuzon. The author of the novel is China Mieville. China Mieville is an author. He wrote many fiction novels. He wrote his successful novel. He is a British. He is a comic book writer, fantasy fiction writer, essayist, literary critic, political activist, and Socialist. He is rewarded with two famous awards. He got Hugo Award and Arthur C. Clarke Award. After his success, he became one of the best authors. He wrote many books. Some are The City and the City, Perdido Street Station, The Scar, and Embassytown. If you want to listen to this wonderful writer’s more audible then recommend you to his The Last Days of New Paris and The Scar novels. These novels are getting fairly remarks from the listeners.
The narrator of the novel is John Lee. John Lee narrated this novel with his friendly and comfortable voice. His voice is fit for this character. He did brilliant work. Good work wonderful narration.

Winner of the two best awards Hugo Award and Arthur C. Clarke Award wrote his master piece of work.
This story is about an ancient beast in the city of Crobuzon. The city is a mess. In this dirty city mysterious people, humans, and re-made live. All the natural things turn into pollution. Air and the rivers are polluted.
A brilliant scientist Isaac spent his life for research. But when a horrible creature which is like a half-human and a half-bird comes to him, he faced many challenges to kill it. He started his research to kill this beast. His research and experiments turn into anxiety. Then in his laboratory, a caterpillar grows on the drugs. It became so large like a giant day by day. The story becomes interesting. What will be happened next? Listen to this audible. You will be like it.