Whether it is earth or any other domain whenever a ruling class gets powerful and it tries to negate the rights of the people, the rebel groups are born. These rebel groups work on one single agenda i.e to topple the government as soon as possible. Time favors the brave on most occasions but if there are traitors among the rebels then the loss of life is always huge. Marie Lu has written this novel, not in haste but there is the quickness in the words.
The Electro Primo dies at the starting portion of this novel and after him, his son takes his place who is crueler than his father for the common man. June and Day had nothing to do with all of this because they had some personal issues to deal with. Day wanted to rescue his brother that’s all but the rebels ask him to kill the new Elector and if he agrees to it then they will help him find his brother.

Helping the people means attracting more risk to life but Day agrees. In the meantime, June continues with her investigation and finds out that the information that has been provided to them by the rebels was not correct.
Anden is not like her father perhaps the rebels wanted to settle some old scores. Steven Kaplan and Mariel Stern have given more voice to June and Day, the rest of the characters are treated in an average manner. Legend and Champion could be a good choice if a listener likes fantasies of this kind. The story is not a fairy tale so don’t hope for too much romance from this book.