Proven Guilty is the 8th chapter of The Dresden Files. This fantasy fiction novel is written by Jim Butcher. He is an American author known for writing The Dresden Files, a contemporary fantasy series. Another book from the same series which will make a fantastic listening experience is Changes: The Dresden Files, Book 12. Moving on, the Dead Beat novel by Jim Butcher will also make a fantastic read. If you want to make the most of your time with these two recommended novels then only consider them in the audio format. That will be an experience par excellence as they have been narrated with so much perfection.
James Marsters did the narration of Proven Guilty book. It was an amazing performance with everything done to perfection.

The story of Proven Guilty started with the mention of the White Council of the Wizards. This time, they had drafted Harry Dresden in the capacity of a Warden. He has entrusted a task to look right into all the different rumors that were associated with the black magic in Chicago. Many malevolent entities were known to feed on fear. Those entities at that time were believed to be on the loose in the entire Windy City. But that was all within a day’s work when it comes to a wizard along with his friendly, faithful dog. On the other side, it also included the highly talkative Bob as well for accomplishing the task.
Proven Guilty will prove to be one of the most enjoyable combos of mystery and fantasy genres. The author deserves all the credit for pulling an awesome detective yarn that was within a supernaturally-charged setting.