Malazan book of the Fallen had described many wars in the previous six parts and between those wars the books had some space for breathers. Here author emerges with a different thought and that’s why Steven Erikson has not provided the listener any space to rest. It is war and nothing else in the story.
If you are a kid and looking for a smooth fantasy with some touch of romance in it then it is not made for you. There are not many similarities between this book and Gardens of the Moon and Deadhouse Gates. Here war has started on every level i.e from personal to global. First, it is Sengar who is in a different state of mind now because among his men some want to end his rule.

Then the locals in the country are not safe because the police who were hired to protect them are slaying them on the streets without any purpose or reason. The local people have no idea whom they should complain to about this barbaric act against them. Then the countries that surround the empire have also decided to attack it in this weak time.
Kars and Icarium have issues of their own which they want to settle with the emperor. Thus it is all happening all around and is presented to us in the voice of Michael Page. At this stage, the listener cannot decide whom to support because it is a mix-up and things are not crystal clear till the ending chapters. Every person standing on the battlefield has his purpose related to the war and he is serving no one.