Port Gloom was known for its notorious creatures, especially the guild of thieves that was on the top during all occasions. One can find witches, elves, and assassins easily in this part of the world. Kellik thought that he was rightly placed where he wanted to be i.e in the guild of thieves. Not only the young boy was a rising hero in the guild but also he was liked by almost all the members including the guild master. Then one day a strange thing happened to him i.e the guild master ordered his killing and he had to run to save his life.
For a long time, he wasn’t able to understand that why all of it happened because there was no enmity between the two. The more he thought about the incident, the angrier he became and in the end decided to form a guild of his own so that he can take revenge on the one who dumped him.

In that new guild, Kellik added assassins and also powerful magical creatures so that he could trace down the guild master and take the much-needed revenge. Mike Truk’s work doesn’t need any kind of introduction because all of us have seen the brilliance of the man in The Manifold and The Lost Reavers 2 already.
Ryan West i.e the narrator is also well known among the fans and there is no need to check for the strengths and weaknesses of the narrator. There are secrets and mysteries in the story but they are not the type that would be hard for anyone to understand.