Neal Stephenson has blended several old concepts in the book and then the author has given it a garnishing of new trends. The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. and Cryptonomicon still amaze many fans that how the author was able to create such a story. The world is coming to an end in this novel and the hopes of saving the earth have shattered. Nothing can be done to save the planet so instead of saving the planet, humans start thinking in another direction.
Those with some optimism in their mind come up with the idea that humans should find another world in which they could settle. At least a few humans can do it so that the human race might not get extinct. Meanwhile, there are those who have been hit hard psychologically because all their hopes for the future have been dashed to the ground.

Such humans appear to be like animals now because they are satisfying their physical urges and nothing else. Will Damron has provided the high pitched voice to this catastrophic situation which suits it very well. The journey starts and the survivors move in the direction of an alien planet so it can be said that it is like a leap in darkness because the end result or the outcome is not clear.
The author has talked about a span of five thousand years which is quite huge to imagine. In a nutshell, everything in this book is tough to imagine but the author has painted it with easy words so that the listener can easily become familiar with the thing. Don’t try to get to the conclusion first because haste can destroy the taste.