Silver never knew that she was a Mage and when the reality opened in front of her the life she knew before was over in a moment. All her friends and the people around her changed their faces also deadly enemies rose against her. She never did anything wrong in her life but suddenly she was an eminent threat for the rivals. Things have improved now and Silver knows about her powers and her role in the war which is sooner or later coming to the land.
Logan Cross who was once her enemy is also on her side now, not as a casual friend but as an intense lover. Logan loves Silver more than anything and is ready to confront any kind of danger for her sake. The evil which gets introduced by the author Dannika Dark is a big one and Silver might not be able to stop it even with all her powers at her disposal.

Starting parts showed that Silver was really worried about her life and now she is worried about the people who are connected with her. The evil villain which is approaching her city fast will firstly attack those whom Silver holds dear. Case of Justus which Nicole Poole narrates brings another twist in the story.
Instead of Sterling and Impulse give this book the first chance because friends are tested in this book against a foe that cannot be stopped. It is a darkness which will engulf the entire world if let loose. Sacrifices are needed from Silver and her band of heroes which they are currently reluctant to give for the sake of the world.