Money was the only problem for Harry Dresden when he started helping the local police as a private investigator. Then the issues got connected to his life and he came under the shadow of the rope within no time. Since then he has been trying to save his life and in the process of doing so he has made many enemies.
Harry Dresden at the start of this tenth part of the series is finally happy because no one has tried to kill him for almost a year and he thinks that he can plan his life in a better way now. All those positive thoughts are gone when Mab i.e the Queen of Air and Darkness calls Dresden for one more job. [Small Favor AudioBook]

Dresden had made a bargain in the past and he never expected that Mab would need her ever in life. Now she calls him and he has to answer because he is the marked one. The time for happiness is over and there is nothing Harry Dresden can do except to obey the one who has trapped him in her curse for a long time. There would be more foes and troubles thus the days to relax are over. [Small Favor AudioBook]
This has happened so many times in the series i.e just when Harry thinks that he can finally start living a happy normal life, things just go upside down for him. Jim Butcher’s favourite character faces hell again. Turn Coat and Cold Days had ample troubles but this novel has some extra for the main character and he is hoping for survival. James Marsters’ voice is heard in narration again and it is a good one.