Luke Skywalker and Ben went together on a mission that looked simple at the first glance. The father and son later penetrated more into the thing and quickly they found that their lives were at stake. Yes, they started talking to the spirits of the fallen but this skill didn’t bring good news for the father and son.
The Siths came after them when they unlocked the secrets they weren’t supposed to know. More Siths are coming for the father and son, Luke on the other hand is thinking about the unity between the two rival sides i.e Jedi and Sith. The enemy which is coming to their world is so strong that it cannot be stopped by any one of the groups alone. The Jedi and Sith must fight hand in hand or both of these groups will get perished in the current circumstances.

The collection of black holes known as the Maw has the solution to all the problems but someone has to reach the core of this wonderland and then get out of it alive along with the solution to the problem. Christie Golden has described the downfall of the universe in World of Warcraft: Arthas – Rise of the Lich King and Star Wars but in the end, everything was back to normal.
According to the situation here perhaps the heroes would not be able to keep things in the same way after the end of the war. Marc Thompson never allows pauses to destroy the impact of the narration and he has done the same thing here by keeping the flow continuous.