Joe Schreiber takes us way back into the past when Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious were in search of a superb prize. The prize is actually a weapon that these two Sith seek after which they would be able to conquer and dominate the entire galaxy. The weapon is not easy to get because there are a number of hurdles in the way.
As a start, one who seeks the weapon must enter the blood sport that is taking place in the most sinister place in the universe. The author has painted the competition that is taking place on the strange planet like the war of the gladiators. In the end only one would be able to survive and will win the prize. For this purpose the Sith have hired a disciple whom they are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their bigger goal.

However, the disciple named Maul is not a chicken; he himself is a superb warrior that can outsmart anyone. To fulfill the command of his master, Maul has to kill the crime lord named Jabba and before all of this he has to eradicate the prison warden who is keeping an eye on him.
It is up to Maul to bring back the trophy for his boss and leave the rest to him. Jonathan Davis didn’t get the chance to narrate Star Wars: Red Harvest or Star Wars but he has done a fine job over here. Maul’s character was something between a hero and a villain that’s why narrating him was not easy business at all. Only a narrator like Jonathan could have done justice to such a character.